What Is Joe Tippman’s Injury and How Long Will He Be Out?

Joe Tippman’s injury was described as “thigh injury” and the rumor is it is a quadriceps injury but specifics have not yet been released.  The treatment of quadriceps tendon injuries typically depends on the severity of the injury. Quadriceps tendon injuries can range from mild strains to complete tears, and the appropriate treatment approach may vary accordingly. Here are some common treatment options:

  1. Rest and Immobilization:
    – For mild strains or partial tears, rest and immobilization may be sufficient. This involves avoiding activities that stress the quadriceps tendon and using a brace or splint to immobilize the knee.
  2. Physical Therapy:
    – Physical therapy is often a key component of treatment for quadriceps tendon injuries. A physical therapist can provide exercises to strengthen the quadriceps and improve range of motion. They may also use modalities like ice, heat, or ultrasound to reduce pain and inflammation.
  3. Platelet Rich Plasma:
    – In some cases, a healthcare provider may recommend PRP injections to stimulate healing. These injections have shown efficacy especially in chronic partial tears that did not heal on their own.
  4. Surgical Repair:
    – Complete tears of the quadriceps tendon often require surgical repair, especially in active individuals or athletes. Surgery involves reattaching the torn tendon to the patella (kneecap) using sutures or anchors. The type of surgical technique used may depend on the specific injury and the surgeon’s preference.  In 2023 Dr. Ruotolo and associates published in Orthopedics a technique of quadriceps tendon repair that showed improved strength compared to a common suture anchor repair.
  5. Rehabilitation:
    – After surgery, a structured rehabilitation program is crucial for optimal recovery. This program will gradually reintroduce weight-bearing and strengthening exercises to restore function and prevent re-injury.
  6. Bracing:
    – After surgery or in cases of severe injury, a brace or knee immobilizer may be used to protect the repair and limit movement during the initial phases of healing.

The specific treatment plan will be determined by a healthcare provider based on the patient’s individual circumstances, the extent of the injury, and other factors. Hopefully for Tippman, and the Jets, it is only a low grade strain or partial tear. At Total Orthopedics and Sports Medicine we have experts in treatment of these specific injuries helping athletes to return to sports and limit reinjury. 

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