Robotic Knee Replacement

Robotic-assisted knee replacement surgery offers several potential advantages over traditional, manual knee replacement procedures. These advantages can lead to improved surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction. Some of the key advantages of robotic knee replacement include:

  1. Enhanced Precision: Robotic systems use advanced imaging and mapping technology to create a 3D model of the patient’s knee. This allows the surgeon to plan the surgery with a high degree of accuracy, including the optimal placement of the knee implant components. The robotic arm then assists the surgeon in executing this plan precisely, which can result in a better fit and alignment of the implant.
  2. Personalized Treatment: The 3D modeling and planning capabilities of robotic systems enable a more personalized approach to knee replacement surgery. Surgeons can tailor the procedure to each patient’s unique anatomy, taking into account factors such as bone structure, joint alignment, and soft tissue balance. This can lead to a more natural feeling and functioning knee after surgery.
  3. Less Soft Tissue Dissection: Much of the pain associated with total knee replacements is from the amount of soft tissues, such as ligaments, that need to be released during the procedure. Robotic systems allow for a knee replacement to performed with much less of this dissection when compared to traditional knee replacement surgery. This can result in less tissue damage, reduced blood loss, and potentially quicker recovery times for patients.
  4. Reduced Risk of Complications: The precision offered by robotic systems can help reduce the risk of complications such as implant misalignment, instability, and uneven wear on the joint. This can lead to improved long-term outcomes and potentially lower revision rates.
  5. Improved Implant Longevity: Proper alignment and fit of the knee implant can contribute to its longevity. Robotic systems can help ensure that the implant is placed correctly, potentially extending its lifespan.
  6. Faster Recovery: While the recovery period after knee replacement surgery varies from person to person, some patients who undergo robotic-assisted knee replacement may experience a quicker recovery due to reduced tissue damage and improved implant alignment.
  7. Reduced Pain and Improved Function: Many patients report less pain and improved function in their new knee joint after robotic-assisted knee replacement surgery. The precise placement of the implant can contribute to better range of motion and reduced discomfort.
  8. Patient Satisfaction: Overall, patients who undergo robotic knee replacement surgery often report higher levels of satisfaction with their outcomes. They may experience improved joint function and a quicker return to their normal activities.

It’s important to note that while robotic-assisted knee replacement has several advantages, the success of the procedure also depends on factors such as the surgeon’s experience and skill.  At Total Orthopedics and Sports Medicine we have experts who can discuss options and the potential benefits with their orthopedic surgeon to determine the most suitable approach for their knee replacement.

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