What Orthopedic Injuries Are You At Risk For Snowboarding?

Orthopedic Injuries in Snowboarding

Snowboarders are prone to several orthopedic injuries, with some of the most common ones including:

  1. Wrist Fractures and Sprains: Falling forward while snowboarding can lead to wrist injuries, including fractures or sprains. Wrist guards can significantly help to prevent some of these injuries.
  2. Ankle Sprains: Twisting or rolling an ankle is common in snowboarding, especially when trying to maintain balance or execute tricks.
  3. Knee Injuries:  Snowboarders can experience knee injuries, such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears, medial collateral ligament (MCL) injuries, or meniscus tears, due to twisting motions or impacts.
  4. Shoulder Injuries:  Falls onto the shoulder or outstretched arms can result in dislocations, fractures, or sprains of the shoulder joint.
  5. Head Injuries:  Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can occur if a snowboarder doesn’t wear a helmet or experiences a severe fall or collision.
  6. Hip Injuries: Hip fractures or dislocations can happen in high-impact crashes.

Prevention and safety measures are crucial in reducing the risk of these injuries. Snowboarders can protect themselves by:

  • Wearing appropriate protective gear, including helmets, wrist guards, knee pads, and hip pads.
  • Using the correct snowboarding techniques and maintaining good balance.
  • Gradually progressing in skill level to avoid attempting advanced tricks before mastering the basics.
  • Paying attention to weather conditions and avoiding icy or hazardous slopes.
  • Knowing and respecting their own skill level and not pushing beyond their abilities.
  • Staying within designated trails and areas.

In the event of an injury, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly to assess the severity and determine the most appropriate treatment, whether it involves rest, immobilization, physical therapy, or surgery in some cases.  At Total Ortho Express we have orthopedic specialists that can see you 7 days a week with no appointment necessary.

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